Learn to Curl - To Dos

Are you coming to a Learn to Curl (L2C)?     


You are taking advantage of an opportunity that few are able to do...... Let's Go Curling!


Here is what you can do ahead of the event and what to expect during the L2C

Curling is a Physical Activity:   The delivery of a curling stone and sweeping the stone down a 140' sheet of ice awaken muscles we dont often use.  As such,wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes.  The act of delivering a stone from the hack requires a sturdy legs and back.  However it is something that anyone from age 8-80 can do.  For those who have problematic knees, back or hips,  we also provide an opportunity to use a "stick" for delivery.   This is similar to the "shuffleboard on ice", but allows more to continue participating in "the Grand Ol' Game".

What to wear?  You will be in the ice rink area for periods of time and in the warm room for periods so dressing in layers that are loose or flexible is best.  Jeans don't work the best.  Mittens or gloves and hats may be preferred by a few and are fine.

Shoes:  Shoes are important for a couple reasons:  cleanliness and safety.  You should BRING a pair of CLEAN soft-rubber soled shoes like tennis or basketball shoes to change into at the rink.  Our ice needs to stay free of rocks and sand and any salts to ensure a good curling surface.  The shoes should be soft-rubber to help with traction... heels, etc will not make for an enjoyable experience and will actually be dangerous.  If you are unsure, bring a couple and our instructors will help you choose.

How Long is the L2C?  Most weekly L2C events are done as one-on-one instruction, or as a small group.  Covering the basic of curlings includes on-ice instruction in the delivery, strategy and scoring within the sport.  Off-ice activities includes discussion and partaking in the social aspects of the sport including comaraderie and refreshments.

Group L2C events are scheduled for 2 hours.  You will begin with registration so you can arrive earlier than the allotted times to make sure things run smoothly.  You will be preassigned into groups and assigned sheets which will be labeled on your nametags.  We will keep you with your group as best as we can.  You will sign a waiver for yourself (and any minor).  They can be found here if you with to sign ahead and save time.  (recommended)

Adult Waiver: Adult Waiver 

Minor Waiver: Minor Waiver  

Once registered, you will gather in the concession / warm room and change your shoes while we introduce ourselves and the sport of curling and begin with SAFETY instructions.  You will then make your way to the ICE!  YEAH!! There the instructors will take over and lead you through learn drills and information.  You will have some on-ice and some off-ice instruction to help stay warm.  During a regular game there is ample opportunity to stay warm because you are always moving.

Ice is Slippery!  Curling is on ice and ice is slippery.  If you follow the safety precautions and the shoe recommendation, you will limit the chances of a slip and fall but even experienced curlers are prone to a fall.

Broomstacking: Once the instruction is complete you will play a 1 end game to put your skills to the test!  Afterwards you will partake in the time-honored tradition of "broomstacking" with the other team!  You sit and chat, socialize, eat snacks and drink beverages.  

Continue the fun, Join the RCC!  Hopefully after participating in a Learn-to-Curl you are wanting more opportunities and will consider joining the Rhinelander Curling Club and participate in our weekly leagues.

Need More Info?   If you have any Questions?  Concerns?  Contact Terri @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Phone/Text:  715-301-0736

DM: Facebook: @rhinelandercurlingclub 

Media Requests: CLICK HERE 
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Snail Mail:  PO Box 135
                  Rhinelander, WI 54501

We Curl At

Rhinelander Ice Arena
2021 E Timber Dr, Rhinelander, WI 54501, USA


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